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Black and white picture of a woman, the founder of phuel, sitting on top of a mountain. symbolising  health and vitality
 Here to help you thrive

Health Behaviour Change Coaching 




If you’ve come to this page, you are probably looking to improve some aspects of your health and well-being.

Maybe you already are dealing with some adverse health issues or maybe you want to future-proof your well-being as much as possible so you can enjoy your life and the things that matter to you for as long as possible.

We know what a convoluted maze the health and wellness space is and we are here to help you build a personalized road map. 

We use a Person-Centered approach to coaching, and we are dedicated to working with you to create personalized strategies that reflect your unique lifestyle, values, and goals. Rather than providing generic health advice, we work with you to develop a tailored plan that makes every step you take meaningful and effective.


Our goal is to help you build sustainable habits that lead to long-term health improvements, making it easier for you to maintain positive behaviors over time. By embracing these positive changes you'll enhance your overall well-being and be better equipped to handle life's challenges and the effects of aging. This way you can continue to grow and enjoy life to the fullest.

What would it look like for you to thrive?

Our coaches are trained in the latest behavioral science, employing evidence-based techniques that have been proven to work. By using these methods, they help you overcome barriers, build resilience, and achieve lasting change. Our scientific approach ensures that the strategies you implement are not only effective, but also grounded in reliable research.

What is Person-Centered Coaching?

At the heart of a person-centered coaching approach is a deep commitment to putting your needs and goals first. Inspired by the principles of Carl Rogers, this coaching philosophy revolves around three core values:

  1. Understanding: We take the time to truly understand your experiences and perspectives.

  2. Acceptance: We provide unwavering support without judgment, embracing who you are.

  3. Honesty: We believe in being authentic and transparent in our interactions.

Our mission is to create a supportive and empowering environment where you can explore your own solutions and make decisions that align with your personal values and aspirations. We will guide you on a journey of self-discovery and growth, helping you achieve the health outcomes that matter most to you.

Why work with a Health-Behaviour Change Coach?

Health behaviour change coaching is a special process specifically designed to help you modify your health-related behaviors and achieve better overall well-being.

Our unique style of coaching focuses on encouraging positive habits and lifestyle changes that have been scientifically proven to lead to improved physical and mental health.


Key aspects of health behaviour change coaching include:

  1. Goal Setting: As coaches, we help you identify specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals related to your health.

  2. Motivation and Empowerment: As coaches, we work to enhance your intrinsic motivation and empower you to take charge of your health.

  3. Behavioral Strategies: We employ various strategies, such as self-monitoring, feedback, and reinforcement, to help you adopt new behaviors.

  4. Personalized Plans: Coaching is tailored to your needs, preferences, and circumstances, ensuring a personalized approach to behavior change.

  5. Support and Accountability: Regular sessions provide ongoing support and accountability, which are critical for sustaining behavior changes.

  6. Education and Skills Development: We educate you about health and wellness, plus help you develop the skills you need specifically to make and maintain the changes you desire.

Put us in your corner. Give yourself the same leg up, the same benefits of professional coaching that have helped other successful people be so successful, and live their best lives. Investing in your current and future health is one of the most important investments you can make. 

Let us help you. We are here, ready and waiting for you to reach out and grab hold of the best decision you’ll ever make for yourself.



Ready to take the next step? We're here to answer your questions and provide you with the support you need to succeed.


86-90 Paul Street 



United Kingdom

Thank You for Connecting!


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